What is Liz Truss’s policy against Scotland after her premiership is an important fact that everyone pays attention to it? Indeed, Liz Truss’s policy against Scotland is preventing an independence referendum in 2023.
These are the first days of Liz Truss’s premiership and Scottish independence is an important obsession for her.
Liz Truss’s policy against Scotland is completely negative and she has said that she will ignore Nicola Sturgeon in her new government.
Indeed, she disagrees with the Scottish independence referendum in 2023 and she won’t let Scotland’s first minister hold the second referendum as a new prime minister of the UK.
Liz Truss has said Nicola Sturgeon should focus on Scotland’s domestic issues rather than “agitating” for a second independence referendum.
The Tory leadership frontrunner told a hustings event in Perth on Tuesday she would “not allow” another vote on independence.
However, Scottish people disagree with her decision, and as soon as hearing Liz Truss’s policy against Scotland, started protesting her decision.
They gathered against the city’s concert hall and shouted “Tories out” and held banners with “Scottish not British” while pushing through barriers in the tensest yet-and the first and only one in Scotland.
In fact, from the time Liz Truss was giving speeches about her future plans after her premiership, she has said that she won’t let Nicola Sturgeon hold the second referendum and she has said that she will ignore Nicola Sturgeon and her decision.
Liz Truss has blamed the Scotland government and has said that the Scottish government must think about saving itself from the recession.
She has said that fighting its recent recession is more important than thinking about having independency and holding a second referendum. Even she has said that Nicola Sturgeon must investigate more important matters rather than thinking about Scottish independence.
Indeed, Liz Truss has just blamed Nicola Sturgeon and has tried to ignore her and make a big obstacle to her goals.
Scottish independence referendum
After Liz Truss won the premiership election she went to meet Queen Elizabeth in Bloomberg castle in Scotland. This action in the first part of her premiership shows the importance of Scotland. So Scottish independence is surely an important matter for the new prime minister.
Britain’s new prime minister, Liz Truss has talked about her disagreement with Scottish independence and she has said that she won’t let anyone hold the second Scottish independence.
Liz truss’s policy against Scotland is completely different from Nicola Sturgeon’s. Ms. Truss said: “Scottish Nationalists accepted that their referendum was one in a generation opportunity, and I will hold them to that.”
“I will work to strengthen our whole union. As prime minister, I will do what is necessary and right to defend our union, just as I have already done on the Northern Ireland Protocol.”
Even though she referred to the referendum that was held in 2014, She talked about Nicola Sturgeon’s plan as a way for weakening Britain and said that she won’t let her weaken Britain by holding the second Scottish independence referendum.
Liz Truss will give more attention to the oil of the North Sea
Even during the time Liz Truss had taken part in the premiership election, promised to investigate the oil of the North Sea.
Amid mounting public dismay about soaring energy bills, Truss’s policy advisers are thought to be discussing proposals to issue up to 130 new drilling licenses, which typically take nearly three decades to produce oil and gas.
The business secretary, Kwasi Kwarteng, and the Brexit opportunities minister, Jacob Ree-Mogg, have been meeting oil and gas firms to discuss how to secure energy supplies this winter, the Times reported.
The discussions reportedly involve importing more gas from Norway in the short term, while ramping up domestic production.
The climate change committee has previously said it takes an average of 28 years for an exploration license to lead to oil and gas production.
He added: “If Liz Truss really wants to help cash-strapped households, she should bring in an energy bill freeze alongside extra financial support for the poorest households, partly funded by properly taxing the astronomical profits of oil and gas companies.”
Indeed, Truss’s Northern Sea plan is a way to fulfill the gas shortage crisis in order to provide a strong source for people in the Winter.
The Greenpeace chief UK scientist, Dr. Doug Parr, said intensifying North Sea drilling would do little to bring down energy bills.
“Unleashing a North Sea drilling frenzy isn’t a plan to help bill payers but a gift to the fossil fuel giants already making billions from this crisis,” he said.
“New oil and gas could take a quarter of a century to bump out, will be eventually sold at global prices, and have no real impact on energy bills yet still fuel climate crisis.”
He said the UK’s dependence on gas was among the factors driving up bills and called for faster action to promote new wind and solar projects, as well as improving energy efficiency by insulating UK homes, which are among the leakiest in Europe.
Why Liz Truss disagrees with Scottish independence?
Liz Truss has announced her disagreement with Scottish independence from the beginning of her participation in the premiership election and she has said that she won’t let Nicola Sturgeon achieve her goal.
Also, she has said that she is not keen to engage with Nicola Sturgeon as the first minister of Scotland.
Moreover, in different interviews and speeches, she talked about Nicola Sturgeon as an “attention seeker” person whose main goal is attracting attention. The Conservative party applauded her because of this definition that she presented about Nicola Sturgeon.
Even she has said that she will have harder treatment with Nicola Sturgeon in order to ignore her and make an obstacle against her goal.
Even before Liz Truss’s premiership, Boris Johnson disagreed with Scottish independence and didn’t let Nicola Sturgeon hold the second referendum.
Indeed, the main reason for these disagreements is that Scotland is an important part of Britain and Britain’s government doesn’t want to get separated from Scotland.
Moreover, when interviewers asked Liz Truss, her idea about holding the second referendum, she said “no, no, no” She said that she would “never, ever let our family (of nations) be spilled up”.
At the weekend, the Sunday Times reported that the Truss administration might consider legislating to make it harder for Scotland to leave the UK, even if the court rules in its favor.
The new prime minister has talked about her new decisions to change the UK’s situation such as tax cuts and providing more energy in order to reduce the bill prices for the sake of providing a satisfactory situation in the UK.
With respect to her decision, Scotland will gain whatever it wants after its independence, so it doesn’t need a second referendum.
So she decides to ignore Nicola Sturgeon and deter people from taking part in the second referendum for Scottish independence.
Liz Truss has said there will be an announcement on an immediate package of support within a week.
So, Scotland’s conjunction with the UK has an important role in Britain’s strength. And it is normal for Liz Truss and her party not to let Nicola Sturgeon hold the second referendum because they’re afraid of getting weaker after separation from Scotland
As a result, Scottish independence can be a big threat to the UK these days.